Hi, This is Rajendra Yadav. We have Two publications companies namely : R.P.Publications, Akshita Publishers And Distributors which are committed and dedicated to publish high quality ‘publishes Books, Conference’s Proceeding, Magazines in the field of Engineering, Science, Applied Science, Biology, physics, chemistry Mathematics, Women studies, management, education, Art, Social Science, Political Science, Economics, Agriculture, Pharmacy, BioTechnology.Social Work Sociology HindiBooks etc R.P. Publications is establishing a distinctive and independent profile in the arenaText Books’ and ‘Reference Books’. We publish various text books covering all Under graduate as well as Post-Graduate syllabus or curriculum. Moreover, we publish thematic edited books of collected articles and seminar or conference proceedings. We also publish monographs and convert Ph.D./M.Phil theses into high quality Books. Our mission and vision is to contribute to the broader academia through rich publications each year.
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